Institute for Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation

Selected Topics in Data Science

Die Seminarteilnehmer werden aktuelle Forschungstrends und etablierte Ansätze im Bereich der Data Science behandeln. Die Teilnehmer können wählen, ob sie im Rahmen dieses Seminars den theoretischen oder den praktischen Forschungsprojektteil absolvieren möchten

Seminararbeiten aus vergangenen Semestern

SoSe 2024

Angewandte Arbeiten

  • "Why you so good? – Comparison of two State-of-the-Art Agents"
  • Accelerated 3D-Model Texturing form 2D-Images
  • Adversarial Attacks for Image Recognition Manipulation
  • Develop a TensorFlow (Lite) Model for Edge Devices
  • Evaluating TensorFlow Lite Models for Edge Devices
  • Fitting Educational Images to Target Groups using Generative AI
  • Improving Anomaly Detection with Synthetic Data
  • Comparative work in XAI - What defines a good explanation

Theoretische Arbeiten

  • Evaluating the quality of LLM generated simplified text
  • Literature Research in XAI – What defines a good explanation?
  • Overview of E-Commerce Forecasting Tasks
  • Prompt-engineering of LLMs for Text simplification
  • SotA for Visual Sensors

WiSe 2024-2025

Angewandte Arbeiten

  • Data Analysis to Protect Against Climate-Driven Extremes
  • Recreate 6DoF estimation setup in virtual domain
  • Comparison of manual and automatic keypoint estimation
  • Deep Neuroevolution -  Optimization with Genetic Algorithms
  • Adversarial Attacks for Image Recognition Manipulation
  • Visualization Methods of Semantic Models
  • Deep Learning Architectures for Efficient Scheduling
  • Deep reinforcement learning for multi-objective scheduling

Theoretische Arbeiten

  • Applications of ML and DL in the World of Football
  • Adversarial Attacks for Image Recognition Manipulation
  • Model Compression for 3d Object Detection: Literature Survey
  • Evaluating XAI Methods: Which Explanation wins?
  • Semantic standards for the digital product passport

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